HOUSTON - Jim Collins, Immediate Past State Deputy for the Texas Knights of Columbus, visited Bishop Lopes at the Chancery on Feb. 9 to share a few books about the Order and welcome the new bishop to the Lone Star State. Collins pledged the Knights’ fraternal support of Bishop Lopes and the Ordinariate’s mission of evangelization.
The Knights of Columbus have a history of collaboration with the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. In 2012, the Knights made a key contribution that allowed for the purchase of technology and equipment for the long-distance priestly formation program for the Ordinariate’s clergy candidates across the U.S. and Canada.
More than 50 Knights from Texas and from the Ordinariate’s U.S. and Canadian parishes came together as the honor guard for Bishop Lopes’ Mass of Ordination, Feb. 2.
Our gratitude to Collins and the Knights of Columbus for their ongoing support!