In 2018, Edel Lukens and her husband, a convert, found a new spiritual home in the Bridgeport area at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, a parish in the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. After requesting that Fr. Ousley allow their local Legion of Mary Praesidium, based in Norristown, to run a Patricians group at the parish, the priest enthusiastically agreed, serving as its spiritual director (a monthly discussion group meant to get Catholics comfortable talking about their faith).
Divine Worship: Daily Office has already sold out of the North American edition’s first print run, and a second print run is already in the works to meet the high pre-order demand before the Office is publicly listed for sale by Newman House Press. The initial response alone shows the Ordinariate’s parish communities and members have signaled a strong resonance with Bishop Steven Lopes’s vision that the Daily Offices should be a “a regular feature of Ordinariate life.”
MORE STOCK COMING 19th NOVEMBER 2020. A photo reduction of Divine Worship: The Missal released following the landmark decision by Pope Benedict XVI to open the doors of the Catholic Church to Christians of Anglican Patrimony who wished to continue to worship using the forms and words of the Book of Common Prayer.
In response to heavenly direction and the Grace of God, our family acquired the old Mundare Hospital in 2015 (it had more recently been the convent of the Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate). We established a Catholic cultural centre of sorts, an apostolate operated completely on a donation basis
Chorus Angelorum will continue its 2020-21 Season beginning 27 September 2020. Offering Choral Evensong services hosted by The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston, Texas. Please join them at,, or in person.
Responding to requests of Ordinariate members, over the past eight weeks three Ordinariate priests have traveled to western North Carolina to offer the region’s first series of Ordinariate Form Masses.
Omaha, Nebraska: Saint Barnabas will host the relics of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, popularly known as Padre Pio, on Saturday, September 12. The church will be open at 10:00 am for veneration of the relics and confessions. Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 am. The church will remain open the rest of the day for veneration and confessions. The day will conclude with Evensong (Vespers) and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 5:30 p.m. Transportation to the church is available on request on the parish's handicap-accessible bus.
Our Lady of Walsingham parishioner Kari Curtin will be speaking about the Marriage Reality Movement on EWTN’s At Home with Jim and Joy The two-part interview will air Wednesday, 29 July A.D. 2020 at 12:00 PM CDT and Friday, 31 July A.D. 2020 at 12:00 PM CDT. Encore editions are available Saturday and Sunday respectively at 9:30 AM CDT.
The first cohort of permanent deacons for the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter to be ordained on the Feast of Saint Lawrence, 10 August A.D. 2020
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” — John 10:11 Through your prayers and stewardship, we can help our seminarians give their lives to Christ. Can you give to those who have generously responded to serve us? Support the Seminary Formation Fund Second Collection at all Ordinariate Parishes & Parochial Communities, June 13 and 14, 2020.
When the coronavirus pandemic gripped England in March, the Catholic National Shrine of Our Lady in Walsingham was forced to close and cancel pilgrimages.
On 29 June A.D. 2020, Bishop Lopes will ordain three men to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ through the Imposition of Hands and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit.
On 21 May A.D. 2020, Bishop Lopes will ordain four men to the Sacred Order of Deacon through the Imposition of Hands and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit.
This time of pandemic cannot dampen our joy as we continue our celebration of the 10th anniversary of the promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus. This is our jubilee celebration for the Ordinariate, a graced time when we look back for all that God has accomplished in and through the Ordinariate in the past ten years; and in gratitude look forward with hope to all that still remains to be done. This celebration is a graced time for us, truly a year of the Lord’s favor.
House of Formation Closing Mass - 8 May A.D. 2020 - Houston, Texas, The Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter held its closing Mass at the Pope Benedict XVI House of Formation. Present were Bishop Lopes, Fr. Perkins, Fr. Kramer and the Ordinariate seminarians living in the house as well as our seminarians from Rome who have come back to Houston during the COVID-19 lock down.
To facilitate the widest possible participation of the faithful and a common celebration of the Solemnity of Title, the Chair of St Peter the Apostle is transferred from Saturday, 22 February, to this Sunday (otherwise the date of Quinquagesima), per provisions of Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar §58 and according to Divine Worship’s Table of Precedence.
From the very beginning, this is the fervent prayer of the Church. It expresses our longing for that intimate sense of God’s loving presence and action in our lives, an abiding with God who sanctifies us and gives us life. But, to paraphrase the first disciples at Ephesus, who is this Holy Spirit whose coming is so long desired (cf. Acts 19:2)? Reflecting on the first ten years of our ecclesial life in the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, we can answer the question in this way: the Holy Spirit brought our Ordinariate into being! At the very outset of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, Pope Benedict XVI notes that it is the Holy Spirit who has prompted groups of Anglicans to enter the Catholic Church.
This year, the Ordinariate is celebrating the 10th anniversary of our founding document, the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus. In it, Pope Benedict XVI articulated a bold ecumenical vision and created the Ordinariate, a new missionary venture contributing to the vitality of the Catholic Church. This is therefore a Jubilee year, a diocesan-wide celebration in which we give thanks to God by proclaiming this year of the Lord’s favor.